Translation is the science and sometimes depending on the material, the art of translating of a meaning of a text into another language. The latest and the most revered scientific approach in translation is to communicate the meaning "the message" of the source text to the target text.
Translation in fact is a term that refers to the written form of language. On the other hand interpretation is a verbal process between two languages. It is of vital importance that a translator has the abilities of clear and sound expression in the target language. Therefore, translators prefer to translate into their mother tongues.
Most sectors require very specific and technical translation or interpretation services that a general translator can not get through sufficiently. Such translations require thorough research to guarantee accurate transference of source language to target language. Cultural and sector specific texts need to be processed elaborately in order to fit into target culture or sectoral community in a perfect and understandable way.
Your texts are translated by a native speaker of the target language no matter what the volume of your translation is. Linguists of MyTurkish are professionals that are specialised in certain fields, thus this enables them to have great control over the terminology of their fields and lexicon which is among the major musts of translation.